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Marketplace Feature: A Children's Al Heit

L'Shanah Tovah! Now that Rosh Hashanah is winding down, our thoughts turn to the next holiday...

Are you leading a service or program for youth or families on Yom Kippur?

Now available for almost 20% off on the TeacherHub Marketplace: "A Children's Al Heit"

Composed by Rabbi Rachel Miller Solomin, a Jewish educator, writer, life coach, & mother, this Yom Kippur confessional acrostic offers young people and families a modern and relevant replacement for (or supplement to) the traditional Al Heit or Ashamnu.

Every other line in the chart is colored a light blue to make it easier for the eye to follow -- the file has also been grayscale print-tested and it comes out great with only black ink, too!

Infuse your Yom Kippur programs with language and ideas that your young participants can relate to, from-A-to-Z.

For more details about the download/content or to purchase this resource for yourself, head to the TeacherHub - Holiday Resources page!

All TeacherHub resource are vetted & edited by experienced Jewish educators. This resource was edited by Peter Eckstein & Rae Antonoff. Have you created a Jewish educational resource that might fit into the TeacherHub marketplace? Submit it today - your work could be featured next!

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