Professional Development Programs
Bring JLearnHub to you!
JLearnHub offers a variety of Professional Development programs in our ToolBox series for Jewish educators.
Sessions can take place in person (in Southern California) or as a webinar (anywhere). We hope to expand our in-person radius as we gather more collaborators across the US who are qualified to lead professional development sessions.
All ToolBox sessions are a minimum of 60 minutes, maximum two hours.
Webinar ToolBox Session: $100/hour
In-Person ToolBox Session: $120/hour
plus travel (at the federal rate of $0.60/mile from 90016)
Send us a message to schedule a ToolBox session with your team of teachers!
ToolBox Topics
Decoding Tips & Tricks
Pick up new skills for helping students learn to decode (read) Hebrew! Workshop includes a psychological overview of the decoding learning process as well as a variety of tools teachers can use to help students develop their decoding skills.
Prayer Learning Priorities
Learning prayers in a supplemental religious school setting comes with a wealth of challenges. We're under pressure to make sure students can not only recite/chant a prayer, but also understand it and create a personal connection to it. This workshop helps teachers set their priorities for prayer lessons to fit your school's mission.
Self-Paced Learning:
Theory & Practice
Interested in integrating self-paced learning methods into your school? This workshop introduces teachers to the educational theory and research behind self-paced learning, both in general education and specifically in Jewish/Hebrew education, then addresses the practical challenges and opportunities presented by self-paced learning environments.
"This Isn't Real Homework!" Creating Out-of-Class Assignments that Don't Feel like Homework
Every skill requires practice to master, yet more educators are finding that getting students to do Hebrew school homework on top of their day school homework can take more effort than it's worth. This workshop helps teachers learn to create assignments for students to do outside of class that don't "feel" like homework, so they're more likely to extend their learning outside the classroom!
Online Hebrew Learning
Expand your students' Hebrew practice opportunities by incorporating online Hebrew learning to your program! This workshop trains teachers on the technical aspects of using some of the most effective online Hebrew-learning resources, then starts a discussion on how your school can best make use of what's out there.
Multi-Age Hebrew Learning
Whether your school is set up to have multiple ages in a classroom for pedagogical or practical reasons, more Hebrew programs are transitioning from dividing students by chronological age to grouping them by Hebrew ability or developmental age. This regrouping decision presents many exciting opportunities, but also a fresh set of challenges. This workshop helps teachers work through those challenges and create a plan for differentiating student learning in multi-age learning environments.
Step-By-Step in Practice
Interested in adopting JLearnHub's Step-By-Step materials for self-paced Hebrew learning? This workshop introduces teachers to the logistical and practical elements of coaching students through learning to decode Hebrew at their own pace using the Step-By-Step Hebrew packets and the StudyHub.
Beit Midrash in Practice
Interested in adopting JLearnHub's Beit Midrash Prayer Guides for self-paced prayer learning? This workshop introduces teachers to the logistical and practical elements of coaching students through understanding Hebrew prayer at their own pace using the Beit Midrash Prayer Guides printable packets and the StudyHub.